Meet 100 beautiful Ukrainian women in one evening!
Sounds unbelievable? Of course, it is impossible in your daily life, but such a fantasy will come true with that organizes this group date event in Kharkiv, Ukraine. We have already more than 100 single Ukrainian women who confirmed their interest to participate. We would like to invite you to attend this event that will take place in a restaurant privately booked just for us. Hurry up, seats are limited ( by ratio 4-6 girls per 1 man).

How's it going?
Please take care ONLY about your flight tickets to Kiev or Kharkiv. We will organize your pick up from the airport to the hotel or apartment. You will have an English speaking translator assisting you.
As a rule the majority of men would like to come for a few days, so additional meetings will be scheduled before and after the day of the event. During the evening meet up you will enjoy the starters and drinks (champagne, wine, vodka, cognac) offered by the restaurant (nothing to be charged during the evening, everything is inclusive). There will be animated activities breaking the ice in your communication with a large number of women.
Nov, 1 2019 dating party video
How much does it cost?
Unbelievable, but the total cost of the dating party is just
750 euros
or 399 euros (if bundled with individual dating with ladies on our site)
Nov 1st 2018 party video:
What does the price include?
The price includes the organization of the evening, accommodation in a hotel or apartment in the city center, transfer from Kharkiv airport, interpreter service and all meals and drinks during the evening meet up. In short, it includes everything except your flight tickets.
Feb 15th party video
What are the dates?
The nest Grand dating balls will be held on Feb 12th 2022
Due to the limitations related to the corona virus we will keep you updated as for exact dates of the parties. We have already a lot of men and even more ladies already pre-registered so you just have to fill the form and we'll provide you the list of newly scheduled dates of the parties. There will be 5-6 of them in 2022 to catch up the missed ones.
Feel the ambiance with original sound videos:
Beautiful girls dancing:
Who will you meet?
Surprise again! You will meet girls that are not even registered on our website. We make a special advertising campaign and we after that we invite only girls who correspond to men search criteria: appearance, age, motivation etc.
Another important thing: they are not registered on other international dating sites and marraige agencies so they are out of the reach of your competitors.
So you can meet in addition beautiful women from our site before or after the group dating event. Most men come to Ukraine for 5-7 days to maximize their chances by combining individual meetings with the group dating event.
How to we find beautiful family oriented brides?
We always invest in the advertising campaign a very important amount to allow us to have 3-4 times more requests from ladies than places available at the party. For example, if we want to invite 50 women to our Grand Ball, we will display the advertisement until we have 150-200 requests from ladies.
This approach allows us to have luxury to select ladies based on men's search criteria.
On the first stage ladies send us their photos and brief description, if we find the profile interesting we invite these girls to our office to compare theier pictures to the reality and have them fill out a questionnaire.
At this stage again some of the women are removed from the list and we send the invitations just to the girls who have passed both stages.
So you meet ladies who, in addition to being beautiful, have traditional family values, speak a foreign language, but most importantly, they are not ladies from sites and agencies who in most of cases scammers or professional daters, they are rare pearls that you will never meet on the internet!
How and when to register?
Register now by Early Bird Price of 399/650 euros by Nov 1 to our next party of Feb 12th, 2022! Decide faster and pay cheaper! The regular price is 850 euros, it will be gradually increased, thus, last minute registrants will pay more.
To register just email us at or fill in the Registration Form below and we will contact you soonest to provide further details.