Is it possible to meet a Russian or Ukrainian girl for free?

It is quite natural that men who are looking for profiles of women online want to cut their costs and persist in looking for free sites. It’s a preference that is legitimate enough. Why paying for something you get free?

So, before talking about our services, let’s talk about “free meetings” in general. Is it possible to meet, court and marry a Russian or Ukrainian woman for free?

If the answer is “yes”, then plausible answers should be given to the following questions:

– If a dating site is 100% free, who takes care of verifying, authenticating and moderating the profiles of Russian or Ukrainian women? It cannot be either voluntary or free, because behind the visible part there is a whole work of ant that requires several people full time.

– Ask yourself also why only 10-15% of women on free dating sites are real profiles? The rest is a scam!

We’ll say it with a touch of irony, but:

– If you are in contact with a Russian or Ukrainian woman and if you want to go and meet her, do you think that the plane ticket will be free?

– Will the hotel offer you a free room for your accommodation?

– Will the florist or jeweler give you flowers or jewelry for free?

– Will the Russian or Ukrainian woman agree to share the bill at the restaurant, knowing that she never puts her hand in the pocket to pay the bill during a date.

The dream of some men to meet a Russian or Ukrainian woman on a free dating site, and to invite her home without moving from their couch is the main cause of almost all love scams. We fight these practices daily through our portal, launched in 2010, which is the largest free French/English-speaking portal to fight against dating scams.

Obviously, you have to have a substantial minimum budget if you want to achieve the goal of having a lasting relationship or marrying a Russian or Ukrainian woman.

We do not recommend paying the high rates of Western marriage agencies that ask you hundreds and thousands of dollars just to join their site, and which will not fail to charge you a few thousand additional dollars to cover the costs of your trip, organized by a dubious local agency, to meet a woman … who, as if by magic, will no longer be available at the last minute or will meet with you during your stay and find an excuse to disappear immediately after your departure.