Who I am and why I decided to leave France

Hello everyone!

My situation is both great and complicated. I am 47 years old, and I have been single for almost 10 years. My friends envy me, they who struggle with their wife, often the same for a long time. The tenderness of the beginnings has left room for a lot of obligations, boredom, etc … I’m sure you see what I’m talking about!

Me, however, I’m alone, but it weighs on me. Women of my age do not please me, physically and even mentally. And then, let’s face it, I’ve always liked girls a little younger.

So, having tried everything in my area, (announcements, discotheques, weddings, friends of friends, supermarket drag …), without much success, so I decided to go and find my happiness elsewhere. Strangely, when one is interested a little in the question, it is very simple to choose one’s destination: Of course, it is necessary to target the so-called “poor” countries. Of course, the wealthier the country, the less women are interested in men. In France, Usa, Sweden, or Germany, women have absolutely no need of men, they have many other distractions, among which shopping …

On the other hand, in Africa, in Asia, or in the countries of the East, they have few means, the men there, have problems too and leave them, when they do not beat them! So, shematizing, the more the ground is favorable, the better for us! (I know, it may not be nice to say, but it’s the sad reality). Once the decision to go on an adventure, (because it’s a real adventure!), Taken, and finally age instead of remaining alone or poorly accompanied until death, I will choose the country the closer to my feminine attractions. (Needless to say, if I loved Asians, I may have chosen Cambodia!).

Russia and Ukraine have therefore caught my eye quite naturally. I continue my research and I discover that there is a significant difference in cost between these two countries. Ukraine finally wins the battle hands down, as it is advantageous for my wallet. At this stage of my research, I still do not know what I’m going to find, but I’m already excited to go for a walk away from home to find the new woman of my life!

Of course, my project laughs everyone around me. I am beginning to regret having spoken about it. But I needed advice from friends. I realize that no one can put myself in my place. The ¾ of my friends, even though they have not been paying attention to their wife for a long time, have gone into a deep sleep that keeps them in a state of psychological dependence.

So, as a matter of advice, I only had decouragement attempts around me. When the wives settled, they saw in me the danger, the one that could give their man “unhealthy” ideas, as well as saying that I am no longer welcome in the homes of those who are gradually becoming my future ex-pôtes!

But I do not care, my choice is made. Between my friends and my life, it’s still my life more important, right? That’s all for today.

To be continued…

My first experience in Ukraine. Honest 100%

Let’s be honest, my beginning in search of the cute native attracted by the flamboyant stranger from “paradise”, (yes, France is still considered paradise by the whole world, thanks to our ancestors!) seem not to bear fruit. Me who thought that it was enough to answer a few advertisements of specialized sites, to see me invade letters of love and sexy photos! And no! It would be too easy! And it puts your feet back on the ground. It’s not enough to be French and homeless, (understand without financial difficulty), to be sexy. I had forgotten the terrible competition of all these boys like me in search of the same art of living! And yes, we are perhaps millions, at least thousands, of course, across the free world to seek the woman of our life in these countries. So, finally, it is they who are invaded by messages! And me, I’m still waiting for the first response to my messages, and my mailbox is empty.

Fortunately, my fathers and their wife, hate me more and more, thinking that I’m having fun, so it must be easy to attract these lost girls in search of a healthy buoy …

I like this better. Being jealous yes, mocked, then there, no! Gradually, I begin to understand that we will have to deserve this girl to improve, in any case, change my life. Thus, I read articles and other blogs, I inquire, and I consult more and more profiles on the net … I have the impression that all the girls of these countries, have made an appointment to attract us. In reality, no. Sorry to disappoint you. Yes, they may be poor, tired, discouraged on certain days, but at least they are at home, with their family, their friends, themselves in the same situation, their language and their habits. And for 90% of them, there is no question of changing lives, even for all the gold in the world! However, there are also those which interest us, but which will have to be recognized among so many phony profiles.

First of all, there are fake coarse profiles in general of very beautiful girls, who are too beautiful, moreover, to be true. Such beautiful creatures, if they existed, would only have to lift the little doight to find the handsome and rich prince ready to marry them. It would be enough for them to sit in a 4 **** hotel bar or at the bar of a discotheque or a trendy cafe, and they would surely meet their future ex-husband in less time than it is not necessary to write it. Then there are the average girls, but still very beautiful, photographed at home or in fairly modest settings. It would get closer to the truth already. Only here, it can also be fake profiles, actresses or prostitutes, and the correspondence that will follow will betray them easily, if their “client” has a little clairvoyance to read between the lines. Indeed, this type of profiles falls in love a little too easily, and soon the messages become passionate not to say hot, too hot. This is the first step. Then comes the second step of asking for some help from this new benefactor. Not much, in the beginning, we must start well. And the more our gogo begins to believe in his fairy tale, the more he visualizes future nights inflamed in the company of this young and sexy fiancée, the more he is ready to break his piggy bank. Well yes, it should not disappoint and that the dream is broken! And then, (Still!), There are the real profiles. Those of single women because their husband began to drink, or went to war, or again, made the fool. Finally, lots of reasons can explain their situation. Those, for sure, are determined to change their lives, and if it’s a stranger, why not?

Let me continue my research. To be continued in the next episode!