Vincent, 56 years old, France


I would like to write Ukrainian dating site testimonial and tell everyone about my great experience, especially for anyone who is thinking about traveling to the Ukraine through the «UkReine» agency. I would like to encourage people to fulfill their objectives. Do not hesitate to do it and do not pay attention to the negative, false rumors going around. My trip left me with wonderful memories.

Nathalie will greet you as soon as you arrive at the Kharkov airport. Your apartment is reserved ahead of time as well as anything you may need during your trip. Ukrainians are generally quite friendly and helpful. Kharkov city is buzzing with excitement, enjoyable and safe. The entertainment, restaurants, and many specialties are many and will allow you to experience warm and pleasant evenings. Nathalie takes care of scheduling the meetings with the people you chose, and it is done with courtesy and elegance.

You will never feel alone. A local phone is lent to you to stay in touch with Nathalie if you need it and she accompanies you whenever you travel within the city. Nathalie and Tatyana — who is her co-worker — offer a great, efficient and serious translation service. It allows for better communication with your conversation partner. I highly recommend this trip if you are looking to meet a variety of good quality respondents. Ukrainien women are talkative, charming and easygoing. I will once again congratulate the team for their serious work.


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